Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Weekend Ride, Team Jerseys and Team Goals.

Well folks here we are,

it's almost June and the big ride is upon us. This upcoming weekend I will be hosting our third team ride on Saturday morning. Depending on weather and turn out I have charted out 2 options. Option 1 is a 66 mile ride that covers quite a bit of the mid cape


check out this fly over google earth video...


Option 2 is to have a two loop course (which worked nicely at Lambert's house)

I am game for either so we can make the decision the morning off (or the night before)

Team Jerseys are in! They came out great! Give me a call and get them! The design looks very nice and the material is also top notch. I think the PwC logo is printed on the jerseys about 20 times so in case you forget which team you are riding for... fat chance.

Team goals: Our fundraising has picked up some speed and we are skirting the $12,000 mark. We could use additional support so please if you haven't so already put a strong fundraising effort in.

As usual, call me with any questions.



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